Friday 11 September 2015

Week two on Exante almost done!

So the dreaded week two is almost over and I’m not actually looking forward to weighing in on Monday. Most people experience hardly any loss on the second week of Exante – maybe a couple of lbs if that – and after losing such a massive amount in the first week, it’s a bit of a de-motivator. You’ve just got to keep at it, and week three usually offers a pretty good loss again.

I have felt a bit down this week though, it has to be said. I had a couple of cheeky weigh ins and noticed that my weight had actually gone up 1lb! I’ve stuck to the plan 100% so this felt horrible to be putting ON weight when you basically feel like your starving yourself. Seeing that really put me in a bad mood, but after chatting to my fellow Exantians they explained it could be any number of things! Changes in hormones, water retention and being a bit ‘backed up’ can all play a massive part in this diet and weight fluctuations. The key is to not let it get you down and to keep at it. DO NOT GIVE UP!

On the plus side, being on this diet now feels like the norm. I have the same daily routine and it works for me. It’s refreshing to not have to think about food; which let’s face it was a massive part of my life beforehand. I mean, I LOVE FOOD. Which is the precise reason why I’m on this diet; I was like food’s clingy girlfriend who never wanted to let go. But look at me now, 12 whole days and I haven’t eaten anything but Exante meals. I’m growing! Or shrinking I suppose.

This is my daily routine which has worked out pretty well over the last two weeks:

7.00am     Out of bed, get ready for work, drink a glass of water
8.00am     Arrive at work, drink a black coffee
9.00am     I make sure I’ve drunk at least 0.5ltr of water by this time
10.00am   Drink a peppermint green tea
11.00am    I make sure I’ve drunk at least 1ltr of water by this time
12.00am   Drink a black coffee and eat half of an Exante bar
1.00pm      Drink a peppermint green tea
2.00pm      I make sure I’ve drunk at least 1.5ltrs of water by this time
3.00pm      Drink a black coffee and eat the other half of my Exante bar
4.00pm     Drink a peppermint green tea
5.00pm     Home time! I make sure I’ve drunk at least 2ltrs of water by this time
6.00pm     Have an Exante shake
7.00pm     Drink a peppermint green tea
8.00pm     Have another Exante pack of my choice – either another shake or a ‘meal’
9.00pm     Drink a glass of water
10.00pm   Get into bed with a peppermint green tea and relax!

That’s just how I do things and it’s worked well for me. If you’re having trouble, try having your first pack as late in the day as possible because then it means that you’ve got two more packs to have in the evenings which is when most people get the munchies! Also try splitting your packs as well :) 

I hope these ramblings have helped in some way! I’ve decided I am going to vary the posts on this blog, so they won’t all be about Exante and instead I will feature more ‘bloggy’ things like articles on Fashion, Beauty, Health, Travel etc. I hope you enjoy!


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